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About Author

Name: Bayne Han
Age: 43
Date of Birth: 18 April 1980
Ethnicity: Chinese-Thai
Gender Identity: Gay (He/Him)


Ever since Bayne Han could remember, he had been passionate about art and storytelling. He started drawing comics and writing stories as early as elementary school. He learned early on that his creativity could entertain and bring joy to his friends, which earned him a special place among them and fueled his motivation.

Bayne pursued his studies in art and branched off to related fields like graphic design, multimedia, and screenwriting. He has worked as a multimedia designer, a private school teacher, and, currently, a property manager.

During his free time, Bayne creates art and writes stories. His inspiration comes from the gay fiction he read in his youth which was precious and rare at the time. Although many of these tales were depressing and ended tragically, he seeks to shine a positive light on his gay heroes and give them the happy endings they deserve.

Bayne’s interest isn’t limited to romance; he is looking to put a gay spin on his favorite genres like superheroes, fantasy, and horror. So be on the lookout for his future release!

Bayne is currently living with his partner in the concrete jungle of Bangkok. They hope to settle down in the countryside someday to be closer to nature and enrich their lives with many pets.


  • Central Connecticut State University – Bachelor of Arts in Illustration
  • State University of New York at Buffalo – Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies for Educators